Welcome to David’s (aka DavItUp) Blog:
Indie App/Game Developer || Carer | Geek | Hobbyist | #DavItUp6128
Total: 💚Video Game🎮, Technology, Programming, Space, Electronics, Retro Gaming, PC fanatic!
I’m currently getting my head around:
- Visual Studio
- C#
- MonoGame / XNA** {** Is it worth it 🙂}
- Unity
Hoping to release a game, or expect to play my game in twenty years time, from when you read this. 🙂
- DavItUp Group* (DavItUp|Grp)
- DavItUp Software (DavItUp|Soft)
- DavItUp Games Studio* (DavItUp|GS)
- DavItUp Design* (DavItUp|Design)
- DavNET Publishing* (Dav|NET)
(*😢 Still Under Construction.)
Relationship: [Single]
Interested In: [Women]